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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Juice Fast (feast) day 4

So today I woke up feeling great.  A little stiff, but no hunger pangs so since I am feeling so great I am going to break the fast....right now.

green juice with dino kale, romaine, lemon, ginger juice - instead of straining out the sedement I left it in my juice.

grapefruit, orange, lime and cranberry juice I blended in the cranberries and a little of the orange pulp to add a little more fiber.

Later today I will have a whole juice smoothie with black cherries, broccoli, apples, and spinach and when all of this mashed-up-fiber gets my digestive juices pumping again I will eat some cantaloup and grapes.  I also have some veggie stock and miso paste that I might add if I am craving more.   So that's my plan for today.  We'll see how it goes.  I have read that one of the most difficult parts of a fast is breaking it.

I really needed this fast and I am proud of myself.  It's been a tough couple of months for me and I wasn't taking care of myself.  Even though I am still disappointed with some things that happened in my life this year, I know that there is still a lot to look forward to.  I think this fast gave me some spiritual and emotional clarity and calmness.

Technically this fast will last another 6 days as I reintegrate more complex foods into my diet.  I'll keep you posted on the progress.

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